Smartphone maker Oppo Mobiles is doing its bit in fighting COVID-19 in India. The company announced that it has contributed Rs 1 crore in aggregate towards the Prime Minister's National relief fund and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister's Distress Relief Fund to help the frontline workers that are fighting the virus outbreak since past few weeks.
Oppo has also initiated an Online Repair Service that aims to help users across India with basic troubleshooting and software related issues. The company states that it has extended the warranties on all its products to 31st May 2020, and has postponed the launch of Oppo Enco M31 earphones in order to keep the safety and security of its workers and customers in India.
"This is a challenging time for all of us as we are facing an unprecedented pandemic due to the outbreak of COVID-19 across the globe. We salute all the people who continue to work, even in these tough times, so that we are safe in our houses and essential services continue to function. We will continue to assess the situation and will do everything we can to offer support to the community. Tough times never last and we feel confident that we can get through this together," said the smartphone maker in a statement.
The fact that the biggest companies of the world are joining the fight against coronavirus will be a big push to India in ensuring the safety of its citizens. While a global crisis is inevitable in the coming weeks due to the novel coronavirus outbreak, contributions, both big and small, by all these major conglomerates will help reduce the impact faced by Indians.
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